Okay, so what? It's only 6:56 a.m. and I got nothing to do. God, I feel like I'm such a geek who hangs around in their house doing nothing but watching DVD (granted, that's actually what I'm doing). My entire family is going on a trip to some kind of island in Banten or something. I'm stuck in my house, listening to Glee's album while refuse to showering because I still got a test tomorrow! Sucks, ain't it? And in 12 hours waiting for my family to come back I only hope that something interesting can happen. Maybe two dumb burglars out of Chris Colombus movie trying to rob my house or something, and I, as a 15-year-old kid outsmart them and at the end live happily ever after. But no, John Hughes didn't direct my life. So instead of all that, I got to drink frozen Milkuat in front of my laptop like every single losers out there who couldn't get a girlfriend. No offense. The infamous frozen Milkuat Why don't we talk about my tests, shall we? So the ...